A recap.
I am currently watching images of Cambodia pass by next to me as I sit on board the “Mekong Express Limousine Bus” beginning its six hour journey from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. I have the soundtrack of Cambodian karaoke playing over the bus speakers, my husband attempting (with complete accuracy, obviously) to sing along with the phonetic Khmer on the TV screen, and the company of the team from Hope Foursquare who are now headed off to the R&R part of their trip. Four weeks prior to today I found myself packing for the two weeks that Josh and I would spend at the Prek Bey home in Pursat. We spent the first week at the home cleaning, setting up rooms and beds, and watching the entire property get transformed into what would be the site of the 2008 medical clinic. Tents, chairs, and a pharmacy’s worth of medication were brought in along with a team from New Life comprised of medical personnel and support staff. I had been anticipating this team coming for quite some time, not only for...