29 Candles
Had you told me a year ago I'd be sitting pool side at a hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia next to my husband of nearly 5 months, I don't know that I would have believed it. But this is exactly where I find myself today, fighting off the last remnants of a head cold, contentedly full after a lunch consisting of a cheeseburger and banana/orange fruit shake at The Blue Pumpkin, and entirely grateful for my amazing husband journaling his own thoughts on the lounge chair next to me. It's been a good 29 year journey to this current place. I've found it an easy temptation to evaluate where I'm at in life using only other people's journeys as my reference point. This allows me to pick and choose the way I perceive my own moments ("successes," "failures," and all of the in between) according to how I've judged the moments of others. I'm not sure where I picked up this unfortunate habit along the way, but I am certain it is not one that was intende...