
Showing posts from September, 2008

29 Candles

Had you told me a year ago I'd be sitting pool side at a hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia next to my husband of nearly 5 months, I don't know that I would have believed it. But this is exactly where I find myself today, fighting off the last remnants of a head cold, contentedly full after a lunch consisting of a cheeseburger and banana/orange fruit shake at The Blue Pumpkin, and entirely grateful for my amazing husband journaling his own thoughts on the lounge chair next to me. It's been a good 29 year journey to this current place. I've found it an easy temptation to evaluate where I'm at in life using only other people's journeys as my reference point. This allows me to pick and choose the way I perceive my own moments ("successes," "failures," and all of the in between) according to how I've judged the moments of others. I'm not sure where I picked up this unfortunate habit along the way, but I am certain it is not one that was intende...

Do not try this at home (or on your missions trip to Cambodia).

**As a disclaimer, we here at FCOP do not endorse interacting with wild animals while in Cambodia. While we will take you to get your series of rabies shots, we will also tease you about it long after you leave. :)

It's September already?

You know you’ ve become acclimated to traveling in Cambodia when you consider 6 hour bus rides a short distance. I often find myself these days sitting in busses , cars, vans, tuk tuk ’s (Cambodian moto taxi), something they call a “mechanical cow,” and other modes of transportation for extended periods of time. As a result I get to see a great deal of the Cambodian landscape. The snapshots of each portion of the country continually amaze me and draw me in. It is also the rainy season here now which allows the fields to reveal the best they have to offer in terms of vibrant color and texture. Josh and I saw a team from Riverside, California off to the airport yesterday. This marked our 8 th team in 4 months. It has been a busy season for sure. However, as we sat sipping iced coffee for a few minutes before meeting up with the team for dinner yesterday (we sneak in mini-dates where we can) we commented to each other that while we felt tired from the early morning we had, we were als...

Words of wisdom.

Tomorrow my husband and I will celebrate our 4 month wedding anniversary. As any married couple can attest, this is quite obviously more than enough time to understand every aspect and nuance of the marriage relationship. Not only have we already considered writing a book entitled “Raising Your Child – Tips from Non-parents,” but we have also learned some helpful dating and marriage insights relevant to absolutely everyone that I will pass along here for your general information and enlightenment. #1. Marry an amazing spouse. We can’t recommend this highly enough. Nor could the process for this be any easier. Simply meet someone who is soon to be leaving for a ministry position in a foreign country and two days prior to their departure express your feelings for one another. Make awkward jokes about running away to Vegas together, followed by a casual goodbye at the airport with the thought in mind that you may not see each other for 2 years. Correspond frequently over the next 9 months...