The lap of (broken) luxury
I have not one, not two, but an impressive THREE "Space Grey" iPhone 6's in, or soon to be in, my possession. Now, anyone who knows me knows of my deep affinity for luxury, as they couldn't help but notice the retractable roof on my mini van, my fancy coffee machine that crafts espresso drinks at h ome, our complete collection of Curious George episodes spanning approximately 82 discs on DVD (thanks Nonna), and our Costco sized bag of toilet paper that takes up the entire space underneath the kids' bathroom sink. My growing iPhone collection however has far less to do with my luxury addiction and far more to do with a tiny almost 10 month old human. We were having the first of our 73 nightly hangouts, my phone settled in next to me so I could properly escape into the world of social media instead of engaging with my sleepless child at midnight...when suddenly one of her tiny ninja legs abruptly shot out, sending my phone flying off of its resting place and...