Silly guys and sweet potato fries

I'm in a season of parenting where each day can seem to come and go without a notable amount of significance. I begin with coffee and cozy pants and trying to get Emma to school on time without out violating too many traffic laws. And I end with desperate times of reading my "She Reads Truth" devotional and begging Jesus to undo all of the many ways I have messed up my children that particular day. I also consume healthy late night snacks, occasionally throwing in a deadlift here and there to balance out my 10pm nachos. There is currently a lot of boundary testing and ongoing parental coaching regarding emotion management with one of our children. I won't say which child it is, but I will say that he is sweet and snuggly and funny and wildly creative..and I was woefully unprepared for the BIG emotions of tiny male human people, whoever they might be. I didn't know going into this whole deal of raising humans that the emotional atmosphere of an entire day...