The beginning....
In lieu of updating my normal xanga web log (, I decided to start fresh with this "blog spot" to chronicle some of my SE Asia experiences and adventures.

I never would have dreamed that I would be sitting at a desk next to my husband in Phnom Penh writing back home to friends and family to keep them updated on life and ministry overseas. But this is where I currently find myself, and I am quite grateful in the midst of it all.
To catch anyone up who may have missed the last year of my life....
Due to the organizational planning of my lovely friend Brenda (though she would never take credit for such things), I was introduced to a young man a year ago in March and my life changed considerably from that day on. Josh and I talk about writing a book to advise people on how to have the most unconventional, unpredictable, seemingly impossible relationship two people could imagine.
Somehow we found ourselves living out all of these descriptives for the past year, and two weeks ago we found ourselves exchanging wedding vows, saying goodbye to family and friends, and boarding a plane that would take us across the world. I have been living in SE Asia for two weeks now and I have been journaling, taking pictures, taking some video, and generally taking everything in as I settle into a new culture and a new life.