Same same, but different.
We arrived home from Bangkok yesterday where we spent the week attending a conference with a woman named Beth Barone. More on this soon!....
But first, one of the big draws for me personally in Bangkok was the alluring aroma of a freshly brewed Starbucks Americano that I had not had the pleasure of consuming in nearly 3 months (the hardships of being a missionary...). The night we arrived in Thailand, my husband kindly forced me to go to the floor with the Starbucks while he and Kris waited for our ride.
I didn't realize how glorious my encounter would be, both with the coffee itself, and the dichotomy I found of being alone within the company of a handful of strangers, all drawn to this same tiny airport cafe for our own various reasons.
I opened my laptop, sipped on my coffee, and contentedly journaled some thoughts amidst the background noise of conversation and the gentle whirring of the espresso machine.
I am an introvert. This has more narrowly come into focus the past few weeks as I realize how prone I am to dismiss this aspect of myself that requires a fair amount of attention. I am entirely grateful to be married to a man who, because he is similarly wired, kindly allowed me more of these "isolated/public" Starbucks encounters throughout our week in Bangkok.
I quickly consumed my last beverage of the week as we left the airport yesterday, thinking it would be my last for a good 5 months. However, I now have photographic evidence that reveals a startling find within our very own city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.....
Could it be?????
It was this glowing beacon of green and white that we passed multiple times today as we drove around the city running errands. And honestly, it all seems just a little too good to be true.
And, yes, indeed, after doing a little Google research I have found that it is. Sort of.. :)
If you zoomed in on this picture more carefully, you would be able to decipher a ring of text surrounding the lovely flowy haired woman that reads " 'The Place' does not possess Starbucks license, is not a Starbucks representative, but merely sell genuine Starbucks coffee bean made coffees."
So what exactly does this mean?
It means that I will stock up on as many Americanos as seems reasonable before the Starbucks without the writing around the sign pulls out scary phrases like "trademark infringement."
For now I will choose not to find out what that statement roughly translates into in Khmer :)
But first, one of the big draws for me personally in Bangkok was the alluring aroma of a freshly brewed Starbucks Americano that I had not had the pleasure of consuming in nearly 3 months (the hardships of being a missionary...). The night we arrived in Thailand, my husband kindly forced me to go to the floor with the Starbucks while he and Kris waited for our ride.
I didn't realize how glorious my encounter would be, both with the coffee itself, and the dichotomy I found of being alone within the company of a handful of strangers, all drawn to this same tiny airport cafe for our own various reasons.
I opened my laptop, sipped on my coffee, and contentedly journaled some thoughts amidst the background noise of conversation and the gentle whirring of the espresso machine.
I am an introvert. This has more narrowly come into focus the past few weeks as I realize how prone I am to dismiss this aspect of myself that requires a fair amount of attention. I am entirely grateful to be married to a man who, because he is similarly wired, kindly allowed me more of these "isolated/public" Starbucks encounters throughout our week in Bangkok.
I quickly consumed my last beverage of the week as we left the airport yesterday, thinking it would be my last for a good 5 months. However, I now have photographic evidence that reveals a startling find within our very own city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.....
It was this glowing beacon of green and white that we passed multiple times today as we drove around the city running errands. And honestly, it all seems just a little too good to be true.
And, yes, indeed, after doing a little Google research I have found that it is. Sort of.. :)
If you zoomed in on this picture more carefully, you would be able to decipher a ring of text surrounding the lovely flowy haired woman that reads " 'The Place' does not possess Starbucks license, is not a Starbucks representative, but merely sell genuine Starbucks coffee bean made coffees."
So what exactly does this mean?
It means that I will stock up on as many Americanos as seems reasonable before the Starbucks without the writing around the sign pulls out scary phrases like "trademark infringement."
For now I will choose not to find out what that statement roughly translates into in Khmer :)