Don't eat the veggies....
These are the three amazing and beautiful young girls who work in our office in Phnom Penh (Sarom, Pin, and Sophera). And yes, in retrospect, I should have put more sequins on my shirt to better blend in (not that I stick out much).
Now Josh and I knew very well going in that the main reason we got invited to this wedding was because of our phenomenal and unprecedented Cambodian dance moves. People try to hire us out all the time but we're quite busy and our agent really discourages too much publicity, so we've been saving our sweet moves for Naret and his big day.
You are welcome, friend.
We are the first ones who appear in this video, in case you can't pick us out.
The wedding was beautiful, the music was fun, and the variety of food nearly all identifiable :)
However, as I was happily consuming my fifth or sixth piece of sliced cucumber that night, Josh semi-awkwardly made a joke/prayer that these vegetables would be "safe."
And by "safe" he meant that they would be the kind washed in purified water. We have to be careful of this with teams when we travel out into the province, painfully forsaking beautiful and inviting looking uncooked veggies due to the potential harm they might cause our fragile Western systems.
And now here we sat at a Cambodian wedding, with a Cambodian catering company doing the cooking.....which meant that the odds of filtered water being in the equation were greatly reduced...
I didn't think much more of this until the next day when my stomach began to slowly reject me. I ended up with a very unforgiving fever, a wonderfully (as always) caring husband, and a very kind Dr. Chayya (and Dr. Lina) who made sure I was properly medicated and fully hydrated (my second I.V. in Cambodia. I figured no pictures of it were necessary this time around).
It took a few days of rest and homemade Cambodian chicken noodle soup (I am spoiled), but by Thursday I, perhaps foolishly, risked my new found health and strength by consuming not just an ice cream Sundae (how can you be at the airport and not go to Dairy Queen??) but also a hamburger (the finest in Cambodia..again, how can I resist??).
I like to think it made my stomach stronger in the end. This is the kind of adventurous (perhaps too generous of a word) missionary I am :)