Oh Moxie Crimefighter what have they done to you...

Here are some names Josh and I are pretty certain we won't name our child: Banjo. Audio Science. Dweezel . Ya'Majesty . Jishelle (A beautiful combination of our names. We were THIS close to convincing Leland and Ashley to name one of their children this. Surprisingly, they declined so it's still up for grabs) Question: How old does your child have to be before you buy them one of these?? I think we have the yard for it. Sidebar: Even ponies think swoopy bangs are the coolest. Current Disappointments: #1. Waves of nausea. I thought I could defeat them. They're fighters. Moxie Crimefighters to be specific. They make a lovely little woman like this go from happily laying in an open sunny field in her cute maternity top... To bravely trying to hold down the teriyaki she just consumed at her desk at work.... I am that lovely little Asian lady. Well in the sense that someone on a team to Cambodia once thought I was from the Philippines . I get that a lot. Disappointment ...