Almost 6 weeks...
Like any good wife/future mother, the goal I set for myself before having children was to make it to Disney Land one last time so I could ride the big kid rides.

Our wonderful 2 year anniversary Disney Land trip in May was everything I hoped.
And now, less than 3 months later, my previous goal having been accomplished, I have now moved on to bigger and better things.
Well, maybe not technically "bigger" at this point. More like the size of one of these little guys...

So far I have to say that motherhood is a breeze.
Aside from wanting to place a Disney-themed cot underneath my desk at work and take a nap every 15 minutes, I am very much enjoying pregnancy. I've already been given quite a bit of attention for my little legume, as well as books on how to raise this creature, and even organic onesies! (Jillian Michaels would be so proud)
Apparently childbearing is something people have been doing for years and Josh & I are fortunate enough to not only have a tremendous support system, but also lots of friends who have recent new additions to their home. I am glad to not be forging this path alone.
And I'm also glad that my sister-in-law Amy agreed to knit me one of these. It can't be that hard.
