National Coffee Day!
Two momentous occasions occurred today. #1. National Coffee Day aka International Coffee Day. While the origins of this glorious day remain unknown, we do know that Krispy Kreme and 7-11 offered free coffee this morning. I did not however take either of these establishments up on their offers. I instead let my mom buy me coffee at Starbucks. And it was delicious. #2. The Day of My Birth. While we do know the origins of this day (my mom told me), what you may not know is that it was one of the best birthdays to date. I woke up to a cute baby, cute husband and some delicious homemade pancakes! I told Josh it was like we were camping, but I didn't cry...(I've been known to cry while hiking. Not because of the beauty of nature, but because of my wimpiness..) The husband gave me my birthday card with the disclaimer that it was homemade, and that it may be entirely creepy. And yes, that is a tiny baby head on my ...