
Now that I am back in the blogging game, I decided to use this thing called "Google" to help me spice up my space.  My search landed on a page entitled "50 Creative Ways to Make Your Blog Popular." 


I plan to utilize that list to ensure that I reach 100,000,000 readers by Tuesday. 

Tip #1 suggests "Start a controversy.  Just remember not to cross the line."

Here we go people.  Prepare to be offended. 

I contend that these..

...should not be sold at Target. 

Countless times now Jaime or I have gone up to the clearance rack excitedly examining the cute "shirt" we have stumbled upon, only to lower our soon-to-be disappointed glance to the built in shorts..

That's right.  A romper. 

Admittedly, I have purchased the classic "tank top sewn into the actual top" look, so I am not immune to these sorts of multi-purpose outfits.  I just cannot support the romper.  I'm sorry. 

If I really wanted to "cross the line" as Tip #1 suggests not to do, I would delve into this whole "Missoni" phenomenon also occuring at Target. 
But that is a controversy for another day.


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