Happy Holidays

As I attempted to make dinner tonight, both of my children were watching two different episodes of "Caillou" on two different devices (not that they even know what "TV" is or are ever given electronic "devices" to entertain them while I accomplish things. Obviously.)

If you're unfamiliar with Caillou, he is a tiny, bald Canadian child who selflessly offers to teach your child how to whine in a variety of situations including (but not limited to): home, school, at a friend's house, at Grandma's house, at the grocery store, and in any and all indoor/outdoor settings.
I try to balance out the whiny influence with equal amounts of a small, well-intended monkey who seems to curiously create problems only to then be praised for uncovering their solution later on.

I heard the man with the yellow hat telling Chef Pisghetti the other day, "He never does this at home..." 

I say the same thing yellow hat man. I say the same thing.

Today we celebrated one of our family's very favorite holidays. It is at least the one we observe most frequently. That's right, as the preschool calendar could tell you, today was "Pajama Day."
We pride ourselves on celebrating National Preschool Pajama Day not just on February 17th like the rest of the western world, but also on many, many, many, many...many other days. We have celebrated in a variety of public settings, thus bringing further notoriety to the holiday, as well as further shame to my mom for having a daughter who takes her children into public in their pajamas. I'm very festive, it's no one's fault. Also, my children have approximately 83 pairs of matching pajamas. It's how I compensate for not having twins.

Because we love holidays so much, we even decided to celebrate something called Valentine's Day last weekend. This is a special day where a kind woman (we'll call her "Nonna") watches your children for hours while you attempt to escape the juvenile antics of your tiny humans and go partake in some real grownup, mature type activities.

But sadly, after you walk the 7 miles (approximately) from the car to the movie theater entrance, you see that the two o'clock showing of Kung Fu Panda is completely sold out

So instead, you walk through the mall, sitting down occasionally so you don't go into labor, and taking in the glorious, mysterious, preposterous, absurdly magnificent sight I like to call, "helmet-less children riding around a busy shopping mall on musical mechanical animals."
People, I implore you. What. Is. This. ??? I don't know how this is a thing (though it totally seems like something we would have seen in Thailand or Cambodia), but I am hoping the local authorities don't shut it down before my own children have the chance to participate.

Hold onto your dreams.

Speaking of dreams, after our Kung Fu dreams were dashed, we decided to head to the most logical Plan B Valentine grownup adult times adventure.
Drinking Starbucks while playing free foosball at the local community center!

Now what's not important in this memory is who technically "won" at the multiple rounds of foosball we were able to get in before the nice lady told us the place was closing for the day.

What is important to point out is that my side of the table was clearly crafted in such a way as to slant toward my own goal. Is this fair toward a very pregnant, normally quite accomplished foosball player? Obviously not. But that's not a grievance for this blog.

It's a grievance for the next few Valentines Days of my marriage, as well as a few community center feedback cards.

We ended our competitive times (sidenote: competition is not helpful for our marriage) with a lovely, balmy encounter with the beach, and a lovely, spicy encounter with some Thai food. We are available for a small fee to help you plan your next romantic outing on the town as well.
 You're welcome.


LOl. This was awesome. My favorite part was "sidenote: competition is not helpful for our marriage" and of course describing curious george, the man with the yellow hat, and caliou because lets just be real here - that's where I live with my two little ones. I haven't seen an entire adult show in about 6 months without thinking falling asleep would be much nicer.

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