The cheesiest.
There are many aspects of being home that I've been looking forward to, and as of yesterday I am excited to report that due to the creativity and intelligence of my husband, one of those aspects has been met.
We have discovered a small portable gas stove living quietly in solitude in our home, largely unnoticed and un-utilized. Yesterday, Josh went out on a limb by purchasing a box of Kraft Mac N' Cheese at our local mini-mart. He is a risk taker, my husband, we know this, and he felt confident that this very box of Mac N' Cheese (the cheesiest!) would indeed be our "second dinner" that evening. Actually, we agreed that our second dinner would depend on what they fixed here for our first dinner and how substantial that meal might be.
An hour and a half after Dinner #1, we were ready for the cheesiest concoction we could imagine.
So my husband walked across the gravel driveway outside, purchased a small gas can, and easily figured out how to make it work with our lovely green stove.
He not only is brilliant with assembling cooking appliances, but he is also no stranger to the kitchen. And he is now officially my favorite Mac N' Cheese chef of all time.
This is no small honor.
So we happily took our pot of macaroni, along with two bowls, upstairs as we watched a DVD and savored our new found Cambodia treat :)
In a related story, this stove has now opened up a world of possibilities for us!! This morning I made fried eggs and then toasted the bread in the pan. Look out Rachel Ray....
Now, I do realize that in the grand scheme of things these details seem small and possibly silly, but living away from home has made me incredibly grateful for the smallest of conveniences and these simple reminders of home that I miss :)
Next on the list? Pancake Breakfast. This Saturday. Bring it!

Oh it is a beautiful, processed creation :)
We have discovered a small portable gas stove living quietly in solitude in our home, largely unnoticed and un-utilized. Yesterday, Josh went out on a limb by purchasing a box of Kraft Mac N' Cheese at our local mini-mart. He is a risk taker, my husband, we know this, and he felt confident that this very box of Mac N' Cheese (the cheesiest!) would indeed be our "second dinner" that evening. Actually, we agreed that our second dinner would depend on what they fixed here for our first dinner and how substantial that meal might be.
An hour and a half after Dinner #1, we were ready for the cheesiest concoction we could imagine.
So my husband walked across the gravel driveway outside, purchased a small gas can, and easily figured out how to make it work with our lovely green stove.
He not only is brilliant with assembling cooking appliances, but he is also no stranger to the kitchen. And he is now officially my favorite Mac N' Cheese chef of all time.
This is no small honor.
So we happily took our pot of macaroni, along with two bowls, upstairs as we watched a DVD and savored our new found Cambodia treat :)
In a related story, this stove has now opened up a world of possibilities for us!! This morning I made fried eggs and then toasted the bread in the pan. Look out Rachel Ray....
Now, I do realize that in the grand scheme of things these details seem small and possibly silly, but living away from home has made me incredibly grateful for the smallest of conveniences and these simple reminders of home that I miss :)
Next on the list? Pancake Breakfast. This Saturday. Bring it!

Oh it is a beautiful, processed creation :)