"Everything" seems a little steep.
Mark 12:42-44 “A poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.' ”
This verse struck me this morning.
Enough even to actually sit down and process some thoughts regarding it. I tend to notice verses about orphans and widows these days, or hear them mentioned pretty regularly around our office. The Bible speaks frequently about this group of people, and they are one of the groups God fiercely fights for, loves, and longs to see cared for and protected. And He has invited us to share in these same attributes of love, care and protection.
I have grown pretty accustomed to the sights around me in Cambodia, the visible contrast of the affluent and the extended hand relying on the financial offerings of a stranger.
Cambodians in general are not financially wealthy people. The average factory worker working 6 days a week makes roughly $60 US dollars per month. The average teacher might make around $40 US dollars per month.
"She put in everything, all she had to live on” – I read this and it's hard for me to not honestly think that perhaps this is not the wisest financial decision she could have made. Shouldn’t she have kept back enough for her rent or dinner at least??
I am so prone to give out of convenience (both with my money and my time). I don’t know that I have ever truly given, whether in a tithe or otherwise, with the thought that perhaps it would prevent a purchase or payment or come at a genuine cost to me. But each week I see the local pastors and people at church here giving, both with their finances and in choosing to live their lives in a way that gives life and safety and care and protection to children who would otherwise have little reason for hope and to widows who are taken in as part of a family when they have lost their own.
And I am reminded that God is perfectly capable and trustworthy and delights in the moments when we believe Him enough to give everything. He knows what that looks like for each of us and I truly don't believe He does it to see how tough we are or how far he can push us or deprive us. I think He pours back into us far more than we could ever imagine because he values relationship with us and longs to see us grow in the ways He has designed for each one of us. My prayer for myself is to trust Him with that process of growth enough to actually see the change within myself.
(I stole this picture from George Butron of a few of our church members here in Phnom Penh :)