Spring Cleaning.
I remember being a kid, maybe 7-10 years old, and finding great delight in joining the other neighborhood kids in a very scientific experiment.
Step #9. Grab a cooler from the office area to temporarily store your food while you drive to purchase a new tiny deluxe gray refrigerator.
And the above, along with prepping for a team flying in tomorrow, and a pizza date, is how we spent our Good Friday :)
It involved a magnifying glass, the sun, and a few unsuspecting ants...
Now, I think maybe somewhere deep down inside I felt a little bad for bringing such a painful demise upon the little guys, but here I sit years later in Phnom Penh wishing for a GIANT magnifying glass to wipe out the hoard of ants that has all but taken over our peaceful household.
Granted, we know there are far worse things in the world than a few ants, and I try to keep this in perspective. I simply want to get them under control and keep them away from our cereal and trail mix.
And our bathroom sink. I'm not sure I want to know what is attracting them there...
They have taken over things in Ziploc bags, in our fake Tupperware, and as of today.....the fridge.
I wasn't sure why the fridge door was having some trouble remaining completely closed. No food items seemed to be blocking it. But there were two distinct ant trails filtering in from separate corners and my most observant husband realized that the door was unable to seal tightly shut because of the icy glacier that had been slowly forming nicely and coldly below the freezer door..
So what do you do?? You defrost. And if Cambodia has taught us anything, it is how to be creative and improvise with what you have on hand.
In light of this, I now present to you the simple steps for defrosting a refrigerator in Cambodia.
Step #1. Go to your tool box and remove the screw driver and hammer.
Step #2. Have a second person grab a nearby plastic broom.
Step #3. Disregard the tiny "warning" sticker on your fridge with the picture of a hammer and an "x" through it.
Step #4. Slowly and carefully begin to chip away at the glacier chunks while the other person sweeps them out the door.

Step #5. Watch carefully as your 8 year old deluxe tiny gray refrigerator begins to emit strange sounds and a fog-machine-ish effect.
Step #6. Do not panic.
Step #7. Walk outside of your house and find a dolly you've never seen before sitting literally feet away from your door (all of Cambodia is like a virtual Home Depot).
Step #8. Roll your fridge out into the front yard for the sake of everyone involved.
Step #9. Grab a cooler from the office area to temporarily store your food while you drive to purchase a new tiny deluxe gray refrigerator.
And the above, along with prepping for a team flying in tomorrow, and a pizza date, is how we spent our Good Friday :)