Humility with a little whine.

There really is no good segue from flip flop mysteries into the deeper things of life, but I’ll attempt it by offering two thoughts that I came away with while furiously typing notes during the Beth Barone conference (and in turn learned that typing notes as I listen is incredibly helpful to me, as well as masks my poor

“Humility is knowing yourself for who you are in regard to who God is.”

“Whining is not emotions connected to God but feelings gone amok.” :)

Beth asked all of us in the room if we hear God. I don’t know that people are necessarily prone to shoot up their hands at the prompting of such a question.

“Should I admit that I do hear Him? Is that arrogant? Will the people around me raise their hands?”


“Should I admit that I don’t really feel like I hear Him? Can I be that honest?”

It challenged me when she asked, “How can we be in agreement with someone we can’t hear??”

If I’m honest with myself, I’ll admit that while I do pray, many times it is me telling God what I think people need. I look at their situation and assess what the outcome should be based out of my vast knowledge and wisdom with a handy “but Your will be done” thrown in for good measure at the end.

Beth talked a great deal about being in agreement with God. He will initiate, we agree, and the Holy Spirit will empower. I know I believe it, but how often do I really walk in this attitude of partnership with God, of humble service with Him? (Phil 2:5-11)

Beth’s challenge? Ask God what people need. Write it down. Let Him determine the outcome. Let yourself listen. Don't just give people advice, go to God for them! And go to God with them. It feels so simple as I type it out, but honest reflection and self-assessment tells me that it is not a quick-fix 10 step system. It is authentic faith lived out. And it is what I desire.

The miraculous happens when we humble ourselves enough to let the Holy Spirit work. I am realizing that if Jesus willingly humbled Himself enough to allow God to initiate His actions, then perhaps I should trust that my life should follow suit.

And sometimes writing it down helps me feel accountable to the necessary follow-up :)


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